Hi Robert, the issue with regards to download quality is that the delivery mechanism I use through my webstore doesn’t manage such large files. I do hope you understand.
The evening at the Palladium was so special it deserves a proper cd. Also it must be about time that your mum appears with you on cd… even if it’s in a surprised chat. Keep safe
It says this at the bottom of your newsletter . If you fancy doing some vacuuming or ‘bob a job’ and getting the squeezie out on the car, come on over and earn a bright shiny shilling .
Hello my Lovely ! I may well be heading to the South West in the new year - it would be so nice to catch up after absolutely ages. Hope all is well! XX
Ahhh good so your show was recorded! I'll be downloading it, but please tell me a CD will be available too (I much prefer retaining a solid object that an ethereal gossamer that can disappear at the whim of a CPU.) Looking forward to hearing your latest. Hope Abbey Road furnished some strings too - I always think your works are made for big productions. Chris.
Have to say it was a rather good night though. I took my daughter who had never listened to any of your music and she became quite a follower of yours on that evening.
So pleased you have released a recording of your Palladium show, it will be wonderful to relive that evening!
Hope the photo shoot goes well today, absolutely no need for any 'scaffolding'! Hopefully you can take your foot off life's accelerator at some point soon.
Thanks so much Mike. I am sad you couldn’t make the show but hopefully the recording will go a little way to making up for missing it. Thanks for downloading! X
Hi Nerina, can you do the download in CD quality please, rather than compressed aac 320? Looking forward to a physical release. Thanks!
Hi Robert, the issue with regards to download quality is that the delivery mechanism I use through my webstore doesn’t manage such large files. I do hope you understand.
Curiosity: why reluctant to quote Lenin?
He’s a very divisive character in history, I suppose. Especially if you’re not a communist!
The evening at the Palladium was so special it deserves a proper cd. Also it must be about time that your mum appears with you on cd… even if it’s in a surprised chat. Keep safe
‘Nerina Pallot is free today.’
It says this at the bottom of your newsletter . If you fancy doing some vacuuming or ‘bob a job’ and getting the squeezie out on the car, come on over and earn a bright shiny shilling .
Hey Nerina
Always love reading your posts. Great to see you’re back at Abbey Road. Keep up the creativity. Come and do a show in the south west soon
Perky xx
Hello my Lovely ! I may well be heading to the South West in the new year - it would be so nice to catch up after absolutely ages. Hope all is well! XX
Vinyl would be cool
Alas we do not have permission for a physical release
We can wish
Ahhh good so your show was recorded! I'll be downloading it, but please tell me a CD will be available too (I much prefer retaining a solid object that an ethereal gossamer that can disappear at the whim of a CPU.) Looking forward to hearing your latest. Hope Abbey Road furnished some strings too - I always think your works are made for big productions. Chris.
Chris we do not have permission for a physical release and so digital is the only way at the moment.
Boo-Hoo! Boo-Hoo!
Have to say it was a rather good night though. I took my daughter who had never listened to any of your music and she became quite a follower of yours on that evening.
So pleased you have released a recording of your Palladium show, it will be wonderful to relive that evening!
Hope the photo shoot goes well today, absolutely no need for any 'scaffolding'! Hopefully you can take your foot off life's accelerator at some point soon.
Off to the download machine now, bye 👋♥️
Bought in an instant.
I was broken-hearted to be away when it occurred so much excitement now! Mike x
Thanks so much Mike. I am sad you couldn’t make the show but hopefully the recording will go a little way to making up for missing it. Thanks for downloading! X
…. And there was me thinking you were offering free guitar lessons ! …😂 Keep up the great work Nerina 😍
I am the last person anyone should be getting guitar lessons from!