Nov 10, 2022Liked by Nerina Pallot

Hello Nerina. There are a whole world of us that feel the same as you, and yes it's getting worse. We can always have hope resting in those like Greta who speak the truth; we need to get "them in control" to listen (Putin never will listen about anything though). But I do feel it's an uphill struggle. Remember everyone, some of us put those idiots into power, some of us didn't. But hearten all you youngsters. In the 60's & 70's we all lived under the threat of those big end of world button pushers - and we made it through. Perhaps we can again......fingers crossed.

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I used to find Greta irritating in the beginning, wondering if it was a media puppet situation but over the years I have grown to admire her commitment and persistence. Of course she's right. Successive generations have been kicking the climate can down the road and if we don't do something now, then when? I really like this young generation coming up. They seem to really care about each other and the world around them and if we can just manage not to blow ourselves up before they are old enough to run things, I think we'll be okay.

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Played IDKWID for a friend in my car. Her fav track is also There's a River. Aural Gold.

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As Peter and Kate sang so beautifully in the 80's. Don't Give Up. Apathy is the brother of Despair.

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Nerina Pallot

I think the goings on in this world of ours can be overwhelming, but all we can do, as various idiots decide our fate, is hang on to the good stuff; you and your beautiful music are just personal examples. How we end up, as the future evolves, is in the lap of the various deities, depending on your particular leaning. As an habitual pessimist I am pleased to say, against my usual tendency, that things will be OK.

Something I would add to your gripes (as I gather you have an aversion to lists) is the ever-changing procedure for public car park payments, which has driven me to distraction this very day!

Hopefully we can lift the gloom together and Christmas is coming! 🙂❤️

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I bought a billy bookcase… I’m sure I paid £50ish… I’ve think I’ve sponsored a Rock Chick…

Have a good flippin Xmas if you get the hump and don’t newsletter before… it will be November 25th this year the way the tv advertising is going.


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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Nerina Pallot

Huge hugs lovely. So know what you mean, the world is totally bonkers (and not in a good way) and it is so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, in fact some days can't even find the s@dding entrance but hey ho, like you say one positive step at a time. lots of music, reading lots of escapist books (nothing too heavy - the news is bad enough!!!) and focusing on being kind, and finding the flashes of joy and happiness. xx

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Nerina Pallot

Pleased to read that most vinyl copies of the new record have found a home. Very deservedly.

My sombre mood was elevated when I received mine but became glum again when I saw the state of side two.

For goodness sake, why doesn't the individual who stuffs this limited edition green disc into the inner sleeve wear white gloves or at least cut their fingernails!

So track one side two isn't playable, not without potentially compromising an expensive moving coil stylus.

Ignoring that it's a really good pressing with excellent sonic qualities which I've enjoyed listening to. So number 222 won't be returned to sender.

Anyway, if I want to hear track one side two I'll spin the cd version!

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Nerina Pallot

It was a pleasure to see you in Brum and you doing The Heart is a Lonely Hunter was the icing on the cake for me …. The song that started my Nerina love affair!

I totally get where you are at. I started a new job in August, love my job hate the wfh, soul destroying for someone that lives with her feline.

But yep, big girl pants on and little steps to finding my motivation to bring my sparkle back to the world xx

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Nerina Pallot

Soz forgot to mention ‘ Master Builder” another request

Mark Lancaster

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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022Liked by Nerina Pallot

Thanks for this Nerina I feel encouraged, at least, by the end I am.

This is indeed the oddest chaotic chapter of life in living memory where nothing is beyond changing by a few concerted media campaigns.

No idea or motion can go unchallenged and no budget or appointment that can’t be unpicked.

In the case of Gav.. TF

This same wholier than thou media that is sending hundreds of staff over to human rights no go zone Qatar, to report on a corrupt to the core World Cup.

On a lighter note it was lovely to see your charming husband and Wolfe active on the merch table at York, I wondered if my NFCC mug might ever make its way up country ☺️

The concert was simply outstanding thank you for coming it has been the best concert I’ve seen since I saw you last November 😊

Thanks for lifting the spirits we really do need to start being our own fairy godmother x

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Hello James, drop me a line at info@nerinapallot.com with your address and the mug will be on its way x

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I don’t know why but I’ve always quite liked These Words. I didn’t realise hyperbole was mispronounced in it. Now I feel CONFLICTED.

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I remember hearing it for the first and really enjoying it, thinking it was a total banger and then the middle 8 happens with that aberration and it RUINED it for me after that. So annoying.

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Nerina Pallot

Just got tickets for your Twickenham q and a.

Please play your take on Peg , it’s an amazing cover


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Nov 10, 2022·edited Nov 10, 2022Liked by Nerina Pallot

Saw you at the Bath gig. Brilliant as per usual - love the new album especially Mama - right up there with Juno as my favourite song of yours. Thanks for another newsletter - Rob

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Nov 10, 2022Liked by Nerina Pallot

Thank you for newsletter, as always cheered me up. Sorry I had to miss the Sage gig, and was so looking forward to it. Love the NFCC patch. Take care E

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First let's get the easy bits out of the way.... the album is superb. I've been playing the vinyl off and on since the postman brought it (in-between being on strike and the various supply chain issues) it was signed (many thanks) and I ordered a second one for my 24 year old - so thats an early christmas present for him!

Next the tour - managed to get to York and see you play which was, as always, amazing. You seemed to be so up for it and a special shout out to your son for having the bottle to come on stage with his mum!

Your choice of support acts has been a revelation - firstly last year with Jodie Nicholson who I've been to see play a couple of times - brilliant! Then on this tour T.I.G.Y. - I recognised the voice straight away and said to my long suffering girlfriend thats Bailey Tzuke - a really nice support band which obviously necessitated the need to purchase the CD that they had....

I feel that you chose the support acts yourself so please don't break that illusion!

Now to your post.... yes the world is in a bit of a state, the UK has a horrific set of immoral people who seem to be in charge (although I am also of the opinion that there are 'civil servants' that pull the strings and as such perhaps they should be held accountable) but hang on a second... we've done really well at cricket, we have the woman European champions, my son has had three graduations (one 2 years late for his degree, one one year late for his masters and this one on time for his second maters) and you've released a masterpiece of an album into the world... surely thats worth a 'high five'?

Sadly the trip to Twickenham to your next performance will have to be put on hold - train strikes have robbed me of two trips to London and thats caused me to just pause on going to gigs and such that are not within 90 mins of the Yorkshire dales.

So chin up, get the gigs in place for us here 'up north' as soon as possible and remember as Natasha Bedingfield said 'these words are my own.... clever rhymes, see you later!'

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Hi Nerina, a great newsletter and an 'all is not lost' moment in itself. You bring us all such joy through your music/art and hope that knowledge brings you comfort iduring these strange times. Thank you for the kind words that accompanied your EP, which arrived the other day, such a lovely thought, my mum is doing well! Looking forward to Twickenham. Any chance of NFCC logo making it to a 'T' shirt?

Best wishes to you and yours. Nei.

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